First Moons
A Period Box Crafting Workshop
at The Luma Center | Acupuncture & Wellness
Suite C
Petaluma, CA
Join Bethany, creatrex of Sister Moon Series & Nika, owner of The Luma Center, for an afternoon of sharing, creating and connecting the bridge of shame to sacredness around our moon cycles. During this 3 hour workshop, we welcome Mother’s & Current/past womb holders along with their children who are approaching or just had their first periods. We will be creating sacred first moon boxes and pouches filled with special and useful allies to support your young one as they embark on this journey of change and embodiment.
A similar story so many of us have who bleed, is one of shame. Whether it was from personal experiences or maybe just lack of knowledge, it can cause us to go inward to a point where we learn to just not talk about it. This can feel lonely and sometimes scary as a young one. This is also a story that goes back generations...
With this workshop we are hoping to open a safe container to share these stories with your young one who has the beautiful opportunity to have a different story. We will get to spend time together as a whole and also have time separately to have more devoted time to both adult and youths separate journeys. Here you can speak more openly about the ways we as adults have moved through or are still navigating this journey of shame around our periods, our bodies and maybe even our emotions. We also get a chance to hear the stories, the fears and the excitements from the young ones who are just starting out on this lifelong relationship with self, cycles and their changing bodies.
Throughout our time together & apart, we will spend time:
Sharing stories and snacks
Creating & decorating period boxes/pouches
Sprinkling in time for movement and play!
Tier pricing for workshop (all materials included) :
$100 | Community Support - This is for folks who need a little extra support to attend
$150 | Base price for the workshop. This supports our Community Support tier.
$200 | Abundance Price - This is for folks who have the space to pay a little extra. This supports our Community Support tier.
There is also an option to sponsor a family if you feel called to do so. Reach out with how to give this gift.
For any questions, please reach out to Bethany at